G-MAP has filled an important gap, because if most players in our societies are aware of the critical importance of the major transformations that we experience, before the creation of our organisation there was no one specifically dedicated to this issue.



An independent and non-profit organisation governed by Swiss lawMore


Understanding complexity through a human-centred approach… More


 A monitoring of the major changes based on global intelligence… More


An independent and private research group focusing on 21st century major transformations and the important changes taking place in a global context, which will dramatically change the world and human society. As a result of this broad, global context, the need arose for a multi-disciplinary think-matrix, capable of giving analytical syntheses and of providing forecasts. GMAP, a non-profit organisation governed by Swiss law, was formed to respond to this need. By globally addressing these issues, GMAP fills an important gap

Indeed, in the USA, Europe and elsewhere, 63% of research organizations and think-tanks devote their attention to the economy, political science, international relations and defence. The other 37%, in descending order, concern themselves with social sciences (12,8%), education (5,5%), environmental affairs (5,5%), energy (5%), health (4,7%), and human rights (3%). But, surprisingly, up to the present, no one has yet committed themselves fully to transformation issues


    • Thinking the future, because in a fast-paced world, where the validity of analyses is increasingly short, we need to look far ahead. The tyranny of immediacy, decision-making in emergencies, or even crises, lead to a day-to-day attitude, which creates further uncertainty rather than reduces it. Anticipation and future-oriented reflection are the only ways to truly fight against inevitability and maintain free and sustainable decisions and actions.


  • The convergence of knowledge and the breaking down of barriers between the different disciplines, scientific and social, as well as between academic and professional experiences. This is the reason some of us are physicists and others are historians or philosophers, while still others are economists, political scientists, engineers, career diplomats, senior officers, high ranking officials, bankers, lawyers or entrepreneurs. The diversity of the individuals that make up GMAP is its core asset.
  • The intertwining and interaction of the complex system that is our world: politics, economy, environment, technology and society.
  • A human centred approach, because who can deny that the last word about the course of world events relies on human opinions, decisions, behaviours and notably emotions. We take these dimensions into account by integrating them into a sound scientific process.
  • Using cutting-edge information technology, because we need to look far ahead, but also from afar, that is to say leveraging global intelligence that consists of all the information flowing on the Internet, once processed, managed, analysed and mapped. Associated with different models and dealing with specific issues, the global intelligence-based approach allows the successful addressing of complex systems, while identifying their key-variables and players, observing how they interact and evolve, as well as detecting weak signals and breaking points. This technology, called Mileva, provides combinations that no human brain can do and allows us to confront unbiased, sometimes counter-intuitive and always stimulating scenarios.


  • A monitoring of the major changes by focusing on six main fields: politics, economy, society, technology, environment and law. This monitoring is based on Mileva analyses, a unique information technology, and its findings are debated during an annual seminar bringing together GMAP’s members and guest experts.
  • Special studies upon request, on geopolitical, economic, social, technological, biospheric and legal issues, present questions and future developments.
  • Training seminars on strategic prospectives for academics and professionals.